Bug #17 Creato: 2021-04-22
Reporter: ****** Assignato a: ******
Stato: Closed Soluzione: Fixed
Progetto: Ufficio Zero Linux OS Componente: uzl
Versione: 3.x Severità: Unassigned
Priorità: Low Sistema Operativo: Ufficio Zero Linux - Roma

Sommario: Sam pdf basic does not start
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----- Inviato da ****** (8:07 PM 2021-04-22)-----
Sam pdf is broken on Roma. From shell I have: JAVA_home is not definied correctly. Cannot execute java. To solve this issue I opened a new shell with:&lt;br /&gt;<br>sudo nano /etc/profile&lt;br /&gt;<br>add these two lines at the end of the file:&lt;br /&gt;<br>export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-i386"&lt;br /&gt;<br>export PATH=JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH&lt;br /&gt;<br>save it with ctrl+o and exit with ctrl+x&lt;br /&gt;<br>That's all, reboot and sam pdf works again

----- Inviato da ****** (8:11 PM 2021-04-22)-----
Not sure if problem is due from java-amazon or ganttproject, It is a bug only for Roma, no issue from Bergamo, Tropea or Siena

----- Inviato da ****** (6:37 PM 2022-12-01)-----
problema rientrato e la release roma è giunta a fine vita

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